Sahara Roots Foundation

A grassroots approach to reduce desertification in the Moroccan Sahara

Our Main Goals

To help preserve the Moroccan Sahara and help provide a better environment for the people living there.

Fighting Desertification Fighting Desertification

Combating Desertification: a combination of Nettoyage, Education and Tree-planting During my first trips to Morocco since 2002 I was enchanted by the beauty of nature, the friendliness of the people and the purity of the culture, especially in the area at the edge of the Sahara Desert south of Ouarzazate around the village of M’hamid […]

Tree Planting Tree Planting

Tree planting in combination with the Permaculture system and Groasis Waterboxx’s. Why plant trees? Trees help combat climate change and desertification. They absorb excess and harmful CO2. Trees help us breathe clean air and absorb odours and pollutant gases (nitrogen oxides, ammonia, sulphur dioxide and ozone. Trees help communities achieve long-term economic and environmental sustainability […]

Desert Cleanup Desert Cleanup

Nettoyage: The Sahara is sadly becoming polluted. This puts the fragile balance of the ecosystem of the Sahara in danger and as well as the oasis villages around the edge of the Sahara. During one of my first hiking trips in the desert area around M’hamid I saw a strange bird flying through the air. […]

Journal Posts

18 Dec 2024

3rd Zamane Festival: The trees are also symbolic for different “seeds”!

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The trees are also symbolic for different “seeds” that have been sown in the last nine years allowing Joudour Sahara to slowly grow into the Culture Center it is today. The “seeds”: traditional music, local architecture and a sustainable environment have become one within this project, thanks to the hard work of many who have […]

26 Jun 2024

Joudour Sahara Culture Center’s first three buildings!

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In April, the Joudour Sahara construction partner Mr. Said,  Mr Lahsan Abid of CERKAS & Halim Sbaï of Joudour Sahara met us in M’hamid to discuss the last steps of the building process of this innovative project. These eco-designed buildings are by Aziza of Aziza Chaouni Projects, A big thank you to our “Angel Sponsor” […]

18 Mar 2024

NOS video, vrijdag 15 Maart 2024: Eeuwenoude oases Marokko dreigen te verdwijnen door klimaatverandering

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Samira Jadir: Correspondent Marokko In M’Hamed El Ghizlaine is de levendige muziekscene nog een van de weinige redenen voor jong volwassenen om de oase niet te verlaten. Halim Sbaï heeft er een muziekschool geopend waar jonge muzikanten zich bekwamen in het spelen van de zogenaamde ‘woestijn blues’, een muziekgenre dat de regio internationale faam heeft […]

How can you help?

  • Donate a tree for the Sahara

    Help us continue our work by letting us plant a tree in the Sahara for you“!
    In this way you contribute in:
    – helping to keep our planet green!
    – helping to stop desertification!
    – helping to educate children in the ways of sustainability
    – helping to end migration to the already full cities

    - Donate a tree for the Sahara
  • It’s about meaningful communication

    Buy our booklet ” Me and my Sahara” for 10 EURO!!
    These booklets are used by the Sahara-Roots Foundation as a tool to help educate young children in the Sahara area of Southern Morocco. The proceeds from the sale of the booklet will help to provide funds for the different educational projects of the Sahara-Roots Foundation.  Available in the following languages: Dutch/Arabic, English/Arabic & French /Arabic.

    - It’s about meaningful communication
  • Spreading the word about our work

    We love to give presentations about our work. Whether it be in the local schools or during festivals in Morocco or spreading the word in The Netherlands during meetings with different clubs such as the Rotary. This creates the possibility of fundraising by then receiving donations, selling “trees” or by selling our booklet “Me and my Sahara”.

    Please feel free to contact us for more information on our presentations! 

    - Spreading the word about our work